Child Contact Services
that work better for children
Providing safe spaces where children can meet the parents they don’t live with.
Child Contact Services
that work better for children
Providing safe spaces where children can meet
the parents they don’t live with.

Southernhay Child Contact Centre

Southernhay Child Contact Centre
How can we help you?
Parenting shouldn’t end
when relationships do.
More than a million children have no contact whatsoever with one of their parents after separation. Unfortunately, some children experience behavioural issues including antisocial behaviour, distress, unhappiness, and both physical and emotional problems.
NACCC is the only charity in the UK dedicated to solving this problem by providing safe spaces where children can meet the parents they don’t live with. We oversee around 350 contact centres across the UK, run by a network of nearly 4,000 volunteers.
The Southernhay Child Contact Centre is in the centre of Exeter very close to the Bus Station and bus stops in the High Street and a short walk from Exeter Central Station. It is a meeting place where children can enjoy the company of adults from whom they are separated.
Feedback from some of our families
‘Thank you all for your genuine care and time. It means a lot in so many ways.’
‘Many, many thanks for all the time and effort you volunteers put into keeping the Contact Centre going. Your efforts are appreciated.’
‘We wanted to thank all the volunteers who make it possible for the Contact Centre to exist. For my son, it was a lifeline to his own son – both of whom love each other very much.’
Latest News from Southernhay Child Contact Centre
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Coronavirus Update July 2021
We are Open! We continue to be open in a limited way and still following Covid protocols previously in place. Contact the co-ordinator for further information. We anticipate that we will continue to operate in this way until further notice Ruth co-ordinator Exeter...
2019 News
April 2019 – 30th anniversary of the opening of the Centre Two views of our cake ready-iced to celebrate the 30th year of our Centre. We were one of the earliest child contact centres to open in 1989. Around 30 attended our anniversary celebrations including...
Southernhay United Reformed Church
The Exeter Southernhay Child Contact Centre is a project of the Southernhay United Reformed Church and is based in their Church Hall. We accept children from every religion and background. Website:
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